Well its been a roller-coaster of a ride, but i finally managed to finish the first of the audio-book trilogy i have written called 'The Call- Girl's Assistant. Having said that, the audio version hasnt actually been released yet but ive had so much interest in my book that i thought i should share the written version with you whilst i record the audio version. Which by the way, is recorded in my own voice, taking you to the place where i experienced some of the most erotic times of my life as a cam-girl during lockdown.
The audi version will be ready within the next few days and can be purchased on this site via my shop and downloaded so keep an eye out for the release as it is a purely dirty and erotic book filled with different types of fettishes and kinks that will rock your imagination.
I will be hugely grateful to you for supporting me by purchasing the audio or written versions of my bokk. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I have worked so very hard through blood and tears and endless days and months working on this book that i have written just for men so i truly hope you enjoy it.
If you do enjoy this book then please keep your eyes out for more of my creations as listed below:
The Call-Girl's Assistant - Tom's Story
The Call- Girls Assistant - CLaire's Story
The Call Girl's Assistant - Both Sides of the Story
Naughty Girl - My book about what drove me to become a cam-girl over lockdown. A bitter sweet story mixed with heartbreak, drug abuse, attempted suicide and poor mental health but through the mist i fought the horrific mental abuse the sociapath put me through and came out the other end a srtonger more determined and successful version of myself.
Mental Health Self Repair -Be Your Own Mind Coach!
Sent By The Angels - a book based on an empath who finds herself crossing paths with people who sought her out so that she could help them at their most desperate times.
Max and Milo investigate - Childrens book about a pair of sausage dog sleuths who help sollve mysteries for others within their community.